Reveal all classes of structural variants using Bionano’s optical genome mapping Stratys™ System. Explore the Stratysphere!

Reach a New Level of Workflow Speed and Simplicity

Reveal all classes of structural variants and
leave the limits of traditional cytogenetics and sequencing behind with Optical Genome Mapping (OGM) and the Bionano Stratys™ System.

Explore the stratysphere workflow

See How the Stratys System Works

Elevate Your Structural Variation Detection

500 bp

Detect SVs starting at
500 bp


VAF at 5% or lower*

12 Samples

Scalable throughput with capacity for 12 samples simultaneously


Up to 1200x target effective coverage

*Lower VAF percentages can be achieved when using the Stratys Plus Chip, which enables up to 1200x genome coverage.

Stratys System Brochure

Explore the Stratys system and get a deeper understanding of its capabilities, range of applications, workflow and more.


Rise to the Challenge of Comprehensive SV Detection at Scale

Scalable throughput and unprecedented flexibility empower you to uncover critical insights and make a transformative impact on human health.

High Sample Capacity

The Stratys instrument provides capacity for 12 single-sample, random-access chips that can be run individually or in batches. Load and unload chips as they complete–no need to wait for another sample to finish.

Ultimate Flexibility

No Batching Required. Optimize cost and efficiency in your lab based on level of demand, loading from one to 12 samples in any run.

“Jump the Queue” Feature for Priority Samples

With reserved space for three priority samples, you can perform on-demand runs without disrupting the analysis of other samples on the system.

Reduced Turnaround Time

The Stratys system’s simplified workflow and scalable sample capacity enables you to deliver results faster while managing lab resources more effectively.

Stratys Performance
Target Effective Coverage1 100x 200x 400x 1200x2
Expected VAF for SV Detection ≥ 50% ≥ 20% ≥ 5% lower than 5%4
Stratys Throughput Per Week3/Samples 24/7 operation: 260
40 hour operation: 120
24/7 operation: 168
40 hour operation: 60
24/7 operation: 96
40 hour operation: 60
24/7 operation: 30
40 hour operation: 24
Imaging Time (One batch of 12 chips) 6 – 10 hours 12 – 16 hours 18 – 22 hours 60 – 70 hours

1Target Effective Coverage calculated based on 80% map rate achieved
2Requires Stratys Plus Chip, VAF: Variant Allele Fraction
3Maximum throughput on one Stratys system; assuming that enough samples are available to run at 100% capacity. Typical performance based on various human control samples run at Bionano.
4Refer to LIT-00017 Redefining Cell Characterization and QC for Genomic Integrity and Off-Target Monitoring and ask your Bionano contact for more details.

Stratys Chips

Optimized Reagents and Consumables for Your Applications

Choose the most efficient path to results with a selection of chips designed to meet your specific needs. Stratys chips provide a nanofluidic environment in which DNA molecules linearize across hundreds of thousands of nanochannels where they can be imaged to reveal the underlying genomic structure and structural variation.

Stratys Chip Types and Applications

Stratys Core Chip Stratys Plus Chip
Target Effective Coverage 100x 200x 400x 100x 200x 400x 1200x
Recommended Applications
Genetic Disease Prenatal
Oncology Hematological Malignancies
Solid Tumors
Cell and Gene Therapies Stem Cells
T-cell and Primary Cell

Stratys Compute

Stay in the Flow with Streamlined Data Processing

The Stratys Compute high performance workstation and Bionano soſtware provide the throughput to keep your workflow moving at the speed of scale.

Data Processing Powerhouse

Stratys compute powered by NVIDIA RTX GPUs delivers significantly faster runtimes and lower compute costs. Cutting-edge technology powers acceleration achieved through software releases.

Support a Constant Flow of Data

Stratys Compute’s advanced technology and intelligent processing allow a continuous flow of data from the Stratys instrument for optimal workflow scalability.

Best Sensitivity for OGM

With the latest informatics pipeline for OGM data, Stratys Compute offers the best sensitivity for genome wide detection of all classes of SVs using OGM.

Minimal IT Resources Required

The Stratys Compute workstation is installed alongside the Stratys instrument and does not require installation in a data center, reducing IT burden and implementation time

Ascend to the Stratysphere

Go from sample-to-report with unparalleled speed and simplicity.

Introducing Stratysphere—a new ecosystem of Optical Genome Mapping (OGM) solutions that
together provide an end-to-end workflow with next-level simplicity, scalability and flexibility.


Isolate ultra-high molecular weight (UHMW) DNA. Label and stain specific sequences across the entire genome.


Load labeled DNA into chip for scanning. Linearize and image labeled and stained DNA in repeated cycles to scan copies of the whole genome.


Algorithms align molecules to reference genome to construct consensus maps and call all classes of structural variants genome-wide.


Tertiary analysis software to visualize, interpret, and report OGM data.


Explore our video carousel to delve deeper into the Stratys system. Discover its advanced capabilities and robust performance through detailed presentations from our Bionano experts.

Easy to Implement.
Minimal Training Required.
Get Started with Stratys Today.

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