We look forward to connecting with you in St. Louis for the 15th Annual Meeting of the Cancer Genomics Consortium (CGC) from August 4-7, 2024. CGC is a unique gathering aimed at bringing the global genomics community together to create an inclusive environment of collaboration, education, networking, and mentorship. For more details on all of our activities, please see below.
Showcase Presentation
At Booth #16!

Please join us for our Showcase Presentation to learn more about OGM’s ability to simplify workflows and increase the yield of positive findings.
Showcase Presentation
Improving Sensitivity and Workflow Efficiency in Myeloid Malignancy Research with Optical Genome Mapping: A Multi-Institutional Study
Monday, August 5
3:45PM – 4:00PM
Grand Ballroom
Bionano, in collaboration with multiple renowned institutions, is conducting a multi-site clinical study to evaluate the performance and benefits of OGM in comparison to classical methods for myeloid malignancies. This study involves the analysis of 250 myeloid cases. Dr. Phillip Michaels from Brigham and Women’s Hospital will present the initial results assessing consistency across sites, turnaround time, cost effectiveness, concordance with standard methods, and increased yield.

Phillip Michaels, MD
Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

If you’re curious about OGM and wondering how it fits into your research, stop by and talk to one of our dedicated team members.
Connect With Us!
Visit us at booth #16 to meet with our OGM specialists to learn how your current workflow can be elevated with Bionano’s end-to-end OGM solutions. Plus, get multiple new product updates on our OGM system, Stratys™, and new VIA 7.1 analysis software.
Poster Sessions

Don’t miss the latest OGM research at the Poster Sessions!
Interplatform comparison of Stratys and Saphyr: Preliminary results of OGM verification in hematologic cancers |
Eric McGinnis
Vancouver General Hospital |
High resolution cytogenomic analysis reveals characterizing abnormalities in APL-like leukemia |
Shivaprasad Sathyanarayana
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center |
Isotachophoresis (ITP) for High-Throughput Isolation of UHMW gDNA Suitable for Optical Genome Mapping (OGM) |
Meghna Yadav
Bionano |
A new and efficient analysis and reporting workflow for hematological malignancies evaluated by optical genome mapping |
Benjamin Clifford
Bionano |
Genome wide, high-throughput, high-resolution structural variation detection at low variant allele fraction for oncology samples |
Pat Lynch
Bionano |